Caring For Bonsai

Saturday, 16 April 2011

A. Sprinkling
In the dry season bonsai should be watered every day, at morning and evening. Water for flushing water should be clear, clean, odorless, and free of salt. Watering was done in two ways. First, pour the water directly to the planting medium. Second, media bersana earnings dipped into the pot of water until the water can penetrate and wet planting medium right.

B. Fertilization
   Should be done with the right dose. The frequency of fertilizer application is recommended once a month with the use of NPK fertilizer and urea. Foliar fertilizer can also be given three times a month.

C. Weeding and pruning
   Weeding is done every day. Especially if the visible presence of weeds (wild plants) in the planting medium. To avoid the weeds are advised to give the moss on the surface of the planting medium. Green moss also functions as an indicator of humidity. Trimming the stems, branches, twigs, and leaves to form a bonsai conducted in accordance with the wishes. Tailored to the needs or in accordance with the conditions of bonsai it self. If growth is rapid bonsai plants, pruning is done once a month. If the slow-growing bonsai plants, pruning is done not once 2-3

   Can be done after the wire looked lost or get into the trunk, branches, or twigs bonsai. Done carefully follow the directions windings and should strive not to not cause injury.

E. Repotting

a. replacement planting medium and root pruning
   Should be done if the roots had grown dense. Usually when the bonsai aged six months or one year from treatment. method, bonsai is released from the pot, then half of the growth media on rooting stick discarded and half are allowed to remain attached.

b. replacement and change the layout of bonsai pots
   Performed at the time of replacement planting medium. Same with replacement planting medium, if the bonsai is getting bigger and the roots meet the pot. Ideally twice a replacement planting medium.

   Pests are often attacked and reduce the beauty of bonsai plants and caterpillars are brown plant hopper. How to control by spraying insecticides. Maintenance of animals such as dogs, cats, or chicken can also be a pest for bonsai plants, bonsai that is stepped on or scratch until damaged.


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