Earrings princess / Wrightia Religiosa bonsai is one of the most in demand in the area of Borneo, it's no wonder this type of a tree become popular for bonsai, because the trees are easy to form into bonsai and how to plant it in terms of relative ease and aesthetics of these trees have high artistic value.
While Mentaos (Wrightia javanica DC) mentaos its local name (Java), bintaos (Sundanese, Madurese), benteli lalaki (Sunda), bentawas, alum (Bali), dediteh (East) is a tree which spread in southern China, Cambodia, Vietnam , Thailand to mainland Malaysia to the Solomon Islands and northern Australia. Growing seasons in the forest, bush and savanna with dry land conditions periodically or permanently to a height of more than 1,000 m dpi. In Bali, bentawas often found in the courtyard houses, fields and roadside. Not yet known information about climatic conditions and soil types that are specific to where it grew. Mentaos proved less popular for bonsai in Java.
It turned out that two of these plants are still one family, and the Latin name is still one type. Earrings princess named latin Wrightia Religiosa, while Mentaos named latin Wrightia javanica DC. After this a bonsai grower determines the origin of Sidoarjo in East Java that familiar call Mr. Basuki has the idea that because these plants are still one family, while the demand is Earring Princess, then in Java, there are many Mentaos, so getting easier so he tries to make the cuttings between Mentaos and Princess earrings. Mentaos made in the main stem, because there are many in nature both in the woods or in the yard of the community, while the earrings princess who according to most bonsai grower is beautiful the leaves and branches will be used as cuttings to the top or the branches and leaves.
While Mentaos (Wrightia javanica DC) mentaos its local name (Java), bintaos (Sundanese, Madurese), benteli lalaki (Sunda), bentawas, alum (Bali), dediteh (East) is a tree which spread in southern China, Cambodia, Vietnam , Thailand to mainland Malaysia to the Solomon Islands and northern Australia. Growing seasons in the forest, bush and savanna with dry land conditions periodically or permanently to a height of more than 1,000 m dpi. In Bali, bentawas often found in the courtyard houses, fields and roadside. Not yet known information about climatic conditions and soil types that are specific to where it grew. Mentaos proved less popular for bonsai in Java.
It turned out that two of these plants are still one family, and the Latin name is still one type. Earrings princess named latin Wrightia Religiosa, while Mentaos named latin Wrightia javanica DC. After this a bonsai grower determines the origin of Sidoarjo in East Java that familiar call Mr. Basuki has the idea that because these plants are still one family, while the demand is Earring Princess, then in Java, there are many Mentaos, so getting easier so he tries to make the cuttings between Mentaos and Princess earrings. Mentaos made in the main stem, because there are many in nature both in the woods or in the yard of the community, while the earrings princess who according to most bonsai grower is beautiful the leaves and branches will be used as cuttings to the top or the branches and leaves.
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