Bonsai Adenium is beautiful

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Adenium or Cambodia, Japan (Japanese frangipani name itself is actually misleading, because it can be identified with Cambodia, which is mostly found in the area of ​​the cemetery. The Japanese word as if the flowers are from Japan, whereas Adenium originated from West Asia and Africa) come from desert regions dry sand, from the Asian mainland as far west as Africa. It is called there is a Desert Rose (desert rose). Because they come from arid regions, these plants prefer dry conditions than the media is too wet. Called as Adenium, because one is a local place of origin Adenium Aden (capital of Yemen).

Adenium easy in maintenance, so many people are interested to maintain it. In addition to cheap treatment Adenium also does not require a long time to form a bonsai. Roots coming out of the ground to make art a unique and very interesting. We see pictures Bonsai Adenium.

Besides having a beautiful shape. Adenium also has a beautiful flower. So this is a very good combination for bonsai enthusiasts. can be put in the park or at home.
READ MORE - Bonsai Adenium is beautiful

Bonsai Adenium is beautiful

Adenium or Cambodia, Japan (Japanese frangipani name itself is actually misleading, because it can be identified with Cambodia, which is mostly found in the area of ​​the cemetery. The Japanese word as if the flowers are from Japan, whereas Adenium originated from West Asia and Africa) come from desert regions dry sand, from the Asian mainland as far west as Africa. It is called there is a Desert Rose (desert rose). Because they come from arid regions, these plants prefer dry conditions than the media is too wet. Called as Adenium, because one is a local place of origin Adenium Aden (capital of Yemen).

Adenium easy in maintenance, so many people are interested to maintain it. In addition to cheap treatment Adenium also does not require a long time to form a bonsai. Roots coming out of the ground to make art a unique and very interesting. We see pictures Bonsai Adenium.

Besides having a beautiful shape. Adenium also has a beautiful flower. So this is a very good combination for bonsai enthusiasts. can be put in the park or at home.
READ MORE - Bonsai Adenium is beautiful


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The process of repotting bonsai to be black pine is fairly 3-4 years, since the roots of black pine grows slowly. If less than 2 years repotting roots are not old enough. If more than 4 years no repotting, the roots will be too crowded in the pot. This will inhibit the growth and fertility.

How to repot is after the issue of the bonsai pot, it will be visible clumps that have been fused roots with soil. Dispose of the third round the edge of these clumps by scraping the soil and cut roots that are too long. Then put it back into the pot with the medium described above, by scraping, the tip of the old roots can directly enter into and merge with new media. This will better ensure life after repotting. And do not even repot by cutting or sawing lumps of soil and root mean like cutting the cake and then replanted. This method is a lump of old roots and soil surrounded (sealed) by the new media, so it will generate heat that is not distributed in clumps and eventually make the roots to rot.

In my experience planting black pine, do not repot in conjunction with shaving leaves. There are occasions when my garden employees do not carry the instructions that I teach. When I went out of town and did not see his work, the employee is repot and shave simultaneously. This caused some half-finished black pine trees to die.

In Indonesia, the second this season, the best time to repot black pine is between the end of the dry season and early rainy season (around early September), but must also look at the condition of black pine. Trees should be conducted when new shoots begin to appear before the leaves blossom. If the leaves have bloomed then the tree will be weak, and the risk REPOTTING be great.

Bonsai pots is important

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Bonsai is a plant with high art. The beauty of bonsai is not on the uniqueness of the plant, but there are several factors that affect. One of them from place to plant a bonsai pot.

We know that many pots to grow bonsai. With various kinds and different sizes. Bonsai pots with reliefs on the side will beautify bonsai. There are many kinds of bonsai pots, we see an example:

READ MORE - Bonsai pots is important

Error on Bonsai care

Bonsai requires a lot of special care. unlike other plants, by providing optimal care it will create a bonsai grow well. But, if we are less than optimal or wrong in the care of bonsai can not hope to grow well.
This is a common mistake in bonsai care.

MISTAKE 1. Bonsai you do not give the right amount of water. This is a very common mistake and causes many problems bonsai. If you want to have a healthy bonsai tree then he should have the right amount of water.

The main reason why bonsai trees do not grow or die is that they are not given enough water. The amount of water needs vary depending on the species, time of year, location and condition. So, do some research on specific species.

During the summer, spring and autumn you should examine your tree every day to see if it needs watering. One way to do this is to push your finger or chopstick into the soil. Outdoor bonsai require more frequent watering in winter.

In the afternoon is the best time to water - you then will avoid burning the leaves from the sun. There are several ways watering bonsai, one of which is water from above using a fine rose or a spray.

MISTAKE 2. Using the wrong type of soil. Your bonsai tree depends entirely on the small amount of soil in pots to provide all the moisture and nutrients needed for survival. This is a very different scenario to those found in nature in which tree roots can spread wide and deep to find nutrients and water.

So ordinary garden soil or compost normally not suitable. What bonsai tree is a need for land that can store enough moisture and nutrients to supply to the roots. There should be enough air space to allow the roots to breathe and the excess water must be able to escape to prevent the roots from rotting.

Therefore, substances such as gravel, sand and granite is an important component of bonsai soil. Bonsai enthusiasts agree on the importance of grit but often differ on the best mix of land.

different tree species also have different requirements such as flowering trees require more organic material. It is possible to buy a bonsai soil is ready for use such as clay, but this Japanese Akadama expensive.You can experiment with mixing your own - if you do this, you have to sieve the soil before use.

MISTAKE 3. Not keeping your bonsai in the right location. Many people think of bonsai trees as ornamental plants and keep them indoors. While some tropical species that are suitable for growing indoors it must be remembered that trees are designed for outer space - which is their natural habitat.

They thrive when they are exposed to seasonal weather changes. Sun, wind and rain all important for trees such as the winter period stops when the tree does not grow. Some classic outdoor bonsai, including pine, maple and juniper.

Depending on the severity of conditions, tree species and stage of development, outdoor bonsai may require some protection in winter such as storage in the garage.

Two species that can be grown indoors are Ficus (fig), and Serissa (tree thousand stars). With an indoor bonsai you need to ensure that they have the right level of humidity and plenty of light. Avoid placing in windy conditions.

If you ensure that your bonsai to grow in the right soil, having the right amount of water and are in the right location you will be well on your way to grow trees, grow bonsai healthy!
READ MORE - Error on Bonsai care

Caring For Bonsai

A. Sprinkling
In the dry season bonsai should be watered every day, at morning and evening. Water for flushing water should be clear, clean, odorless, and free of salt. Watering was done in two ways. First, pour the water directly to the planting medium. Second, media bersana earnings dipped into the pot of water until the water can penetrate and wet planting medium right.

B. Fertilization
   Should be done with the right dose. The frequency of fertilizer application is recommended once a month with the use of NPK fertilizer and urea. Foliar fertilizer can also be given three times a month.

C. Weeding and pruning
   Weeding is done every day. Especially if the visible presence of weeds (wild plants) in the planting medium. To avoid the weeds are advised to give the moss on the surface of the planting medium. Green moss also functions as an indicator of humidity. Trimming the stems, branches, twigs, and leaves to form a bonsai conducted in accordance with the wishes. Tailored to the needs or in accordance with the conditions of bonsai it self. If growth is rapid bonsai plants, pruning is done once a month. If the slow-growing bonsai plants, pruning is done not once 2-3

   Can be done after the wire looked lost or get into the trunk, branches, or twigs bonsai. Done carefully follow the directions windings and should strive not to not cause injury.

E. Repotting

a. replacement planting medium and root pruning
   Should be done if the roots had grown dense. Usually when the bonsai aged six months or one year from treatment. method, bonsai is released from the pot, then half of the growth media on rooting stick discarded and half are allowed to remain attached.

b. replacement and change the layout of bonsai pots
   Performed at the time of replacement planting medium. Same with replacement planting medium, if the bonsai is getting bigger and the roots meet the pot. Ideally twice a replacement planting medium.

   Pests are often attacked and reduce the beauty of bonsai plants and caterpillars are brown plant hopper. How to control by spraying insecticides. Maintenance of animals such as dogs, cats, or chicken can also be a pest for bonsai plants, bonsai that is stepped on or scratch until damaged.
READ MORE - Caring For Bonsai

Bonsai Juniperus chinensis.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

We know that pine trees have many species, Juniperus chinensis, Juniperus horisontalis, and others. But one of the fir tree for bonsai is made ​​fir Juniperus chinensis. Why? because the pine tree bonsai is easy to make and can survive in all seasons, this evergreen has an unique shape. So many people make Juniperus chinensis as a bonsai.
see Juniperus chinensis bonsai has a beautiful shape and has a high price. many people are looking for Bonsai Juniperus chinensis to be used as decoration or collection. bonsai is suitable for display on the page or inside the house.
READ MORE - Bonsai Juniperus chinensis.

Bonsai Asam Londo /Bonsai Pithecellobium dulce

Asam Londo / pithecellobium dulce is a tree that can be created into bonsai. This tree is found in many Asian countries, especially Indonesia. This tree grows wild in many forest areas, this tree has small leaves and stems are not too big. This tree has a hard texture and have longevity. So in Asia or in Indonesia Bonsai pithecellobium dulce many of meet. Asam Londo or pithecellobium dulce including trees that produce fruit. we need a process to establish pithecellobium dulce for a beautiful bonsai.

READ MORE - Bonsai Asam Londo /Bonsai Pithecellobium dulce

Japanese Black Pine

Plants are so beautiful if you have the art when we see it. skills needed to make the crop into something beautiful. one that in a bonsai plant is evergreen. Pine is a tall tree but if we can process them into bonsai it will be very beautiful to see it.
one example of bonsai pine,

with little pieces of twigs and leaves, but we must be patient when forming a bonsai. With patience it will create a beautiful and interesting bonsai.
READ MORE - Japanese Black Pine

Bonsai Asam Java (Tamarindus indica)

Friday, 8 April 2011

Bonsai Asam Java (Tamarindus indica)
Bonsai is very easy to meet and have a good structure of the tree are made of Bonsai. Tamarind tree commonly grows wild in the street turned out to be a beautiful plant in the pot. In the hands of the experts, this large tree can be made ​​miniature by working for many years. For fans, the bonsai is a work of art that was never completed to work.
We see examples of bonsai Asam Java (Tamarindus indica)

READ MORE - Bonsai Asam Java (Tamarindus indica)

Bonsai Anting Putri (Wrightia religiosa) And Mentaos

Earrings princess / Wrightia Religiosa bonsai is one of the most in demand in the area of ​​Borneo, it's no wonder this type of a tree become popular for bonsai, because the trees are easy to form into bonsai and how to plant it in terms of relative ease and aesthetics of these trees have high artistic value.
While Mentaos (Wrightia javanica DC) mentaos its local name (Java), bintaos (Sundanese, Madurese), benteli lalaki (Sunda), bentawas, alum (Bali), dediteh (East) is a tree which spread in southern China, Cambodia, Vietnam , Thailand to mainland Malaysia to the Solomon Islands and northern Australia. Growing seasons in the forest, bush and savanna with dry land conditions periodically or permanently to a height of more than 1,000 m dpi. In Bali, bentawas often found in the courtyard houses, fields and roadside. Not yet known information about climatic conditions and soil types that are specific to where it grew. Mentaos proved less popular for bonsai in Java. 

It turned out that two of these plants are still one family, and the Latin name is still one type. Earrings princess named latin Wrightia Religiosa, while Mentaos named latin Wrightia javanica DC. After this a bonsai grower determines the origin of Sidoarjo in East Java that familiar call Mr. Basuki has the idea that because these plants are still one family, while the demand is Earring Princess, then in Java, there are many Mentaos, so getting easier so he tries to make the cuttings between Mentaos and Princess earrings. Mentaos made in the main stem, because there are many in nature both in the woods or in the yard of the community, while the earrings princess who according to most bonsai grower is beautiful the leaves and branches will be used as cuttings to the top or the branches and leaves.

READ MORE - Bonsai Anting Putri (Wrightia religiosa) And Mentaos

Banyan bonsai

READ MORE - Banyan bonsai


Generally, plants that will made bonsai must meet the following criteria:

a. Dicotyledonous plants
Dicotyledonous plant or two general tree-shaped pieces of hard and there cambium. The species is the most ideal used as a bonsai. Monocot plant species (such as the type of palm and bamboo) can also dwarfed, but called with a true bonsai. Likewise, the kinds of bushes and shrubs. Although it can be dwarfed, bonsai can not be true.

b. Long-lived
Ideally, the bonsai is made of long-lived plants. The reason, bonsai is an art that continues to grow, requiring plants that can survive tens, even hundreds of years.

c. Hold Life Suffering
Plants that will be made bonsai should hold the rain and heat. In addition, the container is resistant to conditions which narrow and limited. As a bonsai, plants must usually live on despite the amount of food or nutrient slightly with the growth of roots and stems are sober.

d. Naturally Beautiful Shape
Naturally, the bonsai trees that will have to already have the charm or beauty, whether leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruit. The beauty of it will be more prominent and proportionate after receiving treatment in accordance with the procedure making the right bonsai.

e. Hold Getting Treatment
To get the perfect bonsai, bonsai trees or bakaln need to be treated with certain techniques (detraining). Such treatment is actually a form of torture against the plant. Usually, plants are not resistant will die. Therefore, plants must withstand chiseled, wire, and also trimmed all the time.


Bonsai (盆栽?) is a plant or tree that dwarfed in shallow pots with the purpose of making a miniature of the original shape of an old tree in the wild. Planting (sai, ) performed inshallow pots, called the bill (). The term bonsai also used for traditional Japanese artin the maintenance of plants or trees in shallow pots, and appreciation of beauty of formbranches, leaves, stems, and roots of trees, and shallow pot into a container, or the overall shape of the plant or tree. Bonsai is the Japanese pronunciation for penzai (盆栽).

This art includes various cutting techniques and pruning plants, wiring (the formation ofbranches and branches of trees by wrapping the wire or bend them with wire ties), andmakes the roots spread on the rock. Making bonsai takes a long time and involve a variety of jobs, including fertilization, pruning, crop establishment, watering, andreplacement of pots and soil. Plants or trees dwarfed by cutting roots and branches. The tree is formed with the help of wire on twigs and tunasnya. Wire must be taken before they could scratch the skin of the tree branch. Plants are living things, and there are nobonsai that can be said is complete or finished. Changes that occur continuously in theplant according to season or natural state is one of the attractions of bonsai.


Bonsai comes from the art of miniaturizing plants called penjing (盆景) of the TangDynasty period. At the tomb of the son of Empress Wu Zetian are murals that depictwaitress who brought the flowering trees in shallow pots. Small shallow pot is aminiaturization of natural scenery.

The nobility in Japan began to recognize penjing around the end of the Heian period.Kanji script for penjing (盆景) pronounced the Japanese as bonkei. Similarly, in China,bonkei in Japan is also the miniaturization of natural scenery. Art that is only enjoyed bythe upper class, especially among the courtiers and samurai, and just called bonsai inthe Edo period
Growing bonsai is a sideline samurai of the Edo period, when the bonsai's popularitypeaked. Since the Meiji era, regarded as a hobby bonsai style. However, maintenanceand watering bonsai takes a lot of time. In line with the environment they live in Japanare more modern and do not have a page, bonsai enthusiasts finally confined to theelderly

READ MORE - Bonsai